More Tulips brighten a really dreary day. Before they left for the Farmers' Market, Dana and Jim walked up here with Blake. Somehow a discussion on the need for a recliner chair morphed into Dana springing into action, recruiting Jim to help her move all the furniture in the television room around. the idea was to make it easier for me to put my legs up on the couch and still watch the television. Having spent most of the daytrying out the new arrangement, John and I concluded that it didn't improve my view of the television (without turning my head 90 degrees) didn't feel that much better on my leg, didn't allow the fire to warm the right part of the room and confused the hell out of Spike. This afternoon we moved it all back. We did tweak it enough to create a bit more room between the couch and the television because I did like the more open feeling. We did take out one chair which probably won't go back.

There seems to be only one way to place the our furniture in the room and it is still virtually unchanged from the vision I had before we moved about how to place furniture in a rather difficult room.

My quest to get a better night's sleep last night involved a lot of perambulation around a freezing cold house. I abandoned the marital bed for the guest bed once again, probably took too much tramadol because John wasn't able to pick up the prescription with the dosage instructions and wound up at 4am making hot milk, which works almost as well as anything,. When I gave up the ghost at 7am John was still asleep and said he never noticed that I had moved out. Spike did though and did extra twirlies on his way to breakfast. 

Attracted to the vibrant color, John picked up the tulips at the Farmers' Market. In order to avoid having the phone in the shot I inclyded the pictures on the wall next to the television....a picture of the grands circa 2016, a vneyard painting by my neighbor Janet, and a study on light by Blipper Artist Annie.

John has passed the salad making course with flying colors. Tonight might be making a  spinach omelette since we have lots of fresh eggs from Tobi's chickens. It's raining hard again and apparently there is a blizzard of epic proportions in the Sierra. The Highway patrol and even the ski resorts have begged people not to drive and if they have to, to pack food, warm clothes and three days' worth of food and water should they get stranded somewhere. I'm sure, despite all that, the news tomorrow will be full of stories about people who got lost, stranded or even died because they thought they were special and could make it . Having spent a fair amount of time there myself, I know how deadly a storm like that can be. 

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