This is the day

By wrencottage

Roding Valley Meadows

We managed to go out for a drive to Roding Valley Meadows after lunch, which was wonderful because I really needed to get out into nature. The weather was perfect for a walk; bright, sunny and fresh, and by driving to our destination it saved Smithers from having to walk up our road, which is quite steep. He finds it very painful to walk uphill because his scoliotic back makes it hard to look up to see where he’s going.

It was very muddy underfoot and we had to take care not to slip, but once we were past the mud we walked mainly on the concrete paths of the old RAF Chigwell, which was a lot easier. I’m always a bit worried about slipping and falling over on wet mud (mainly because it might damage my camera!).

There wasn’t a lot of colour for photographs, but the sky was blue, the birdsong was fabulous and it did us both a lot of good to be out, albeit for only an hour and a half.

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