Split Up
A bright crisp frosty morning and I took myself off to the local fields for a walk where the red deer herd can usually be found. I was beginning to think they'd moved on as I neither saw hide nor hair of them for the first hour or so. It was only as I started to return via the old mine head area that I came across a first group of about 25 hinds and young. They were right in the middle of the path back to the car.
I decided to watch for a while, taking the odd photo, though they weren't great images as they were completely in the shade of the plantation. In the end I just started to walk towards them and they made their way into the plantation to avoid me.
It was then I noticed this group across in a local field. There were 10 in total, including a hind with two young calves; quite rare in deer populations for twins to be born. As ever we had a bit of a staring match.
Then on further and yet another group of about 30 deer were in what locals call the secret valley. I bumped into one of the dog walkers who told me her dog had almost been trampled by a hind with two calves the other week. Probably the same one I'd seen. One of the extras is of this last group, including some maturing males just beginning to grow their antlers.
I've been putting together my kit for the holiday, trying as ever to reduce the amount I take, while not compromising on my options to take lots of photographs. I reckon my camera bag will weigh more than my hold baggage with my clothes!
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