Another Day

By BlackTulip

A feast of miniature irises

We got home at 23.45 after a nine hour journey.  

We were picked up from our hotel on time , deposited at terminal one in Gran Canaria at a quarter to four.  We had to walk the full length of the building to reach terminal two and the check-in desks.  We queued for thirty five minutes, got through security in no time at all, and when we reached the information boards, only had three minutes to wait for our boarding gate to be announced.  D35.  Great, a twelve minute walk all the way to the far end.  We barely had time to sit down before we were called to board the plane.

Back at Luton we were bused to the terminal and as per usual there were hundreds of people threading through the lines to reach the passport scanners but it only took about twenty five minutes, by which time our suitcases were trundling around the carousel.

Our taxi driver was parked up on a side street five minutes from the terminal and so didn’t have to wait long for him to turn up.

Today we’ve tidied away everything that needed to be and I’ve had washing out on the line in what has been a wonderfully sunny day.  The conservatory has been toasty warm.

I can just about scrape together a cottage pie and peas for dinner and I’ve ordered an online delivery for tomorrow afternoon.

I didn’t sleep well last night so am suitably shattered today.

The sparrowhawk has been in several times, as have some jackdaws but I was impressed with the display of irrises, which will need thinning out when they die off.

If you’ve read to the end you’ll have earned a drink.  If you’ve skipped most of it, you’re very sensible.

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