I didn’t feel well enough to go to Church this morning, which was a shame as I was supposed to be helping with one of the activities in the “All Age Service”, but I decided to watch online, although I knew that not all of it would be live because there would be a lot of moving around to join in with various groups.
It was obviously very well organised; people had been given a number when they arrived and that denoted the group they would be part of for the morning activities. After explaining what was going to happen, Tina sent people off to their various groups - and at this point I realised I might be looking at a blank screen - but no! The Visual Team had kindly put up online one of the activities, which was to colour in the Memory Verse and there was also explanation of the other things that would be happening.
I decided to download the picture with the scripture verse on it and then printed it off ready to start colouring. The first thing that struck me, and this is not a criticism, but a reminder from Mary Pryor, one of my old Sunday School teachers from Gorse Hill, many many years ago, that when we learn scripture, we should also learn where it is found in the Bible - so I have added the reference underneath my colouring. I then enjoyed over half an hour of listening to worship songs that were being played while the service wasn’t live, and colouring at the same time.
Those doing the colouring at Church only had 15 minutes and this took me more than 2 hours, because I carried on with it after the service had finished, so I hope that those who started theirs at Church will finish it at home.
Thank you to Tina, Abi and all those who were part of the service - it wasn’t as good as being there, but I enjoyed the parts I was able to see and I do feel somewhat better now.
We were supposed to be on coffee duty today, so Mr. HCB did his bit, after delivering the goods he had collected from Morrisons yesterday, with the help of several others, so thank you to all those too.
Watching the service from home today reminded me of some words in the UCB notes for today that stressed the importance of fellowship - and it said:
“We learn and grow as we come together. Spiritual maturity happens in two ways (1) by being willing to share what God has taught you. (2) By being willing to learn what God has taught others. Are you fellowshipping with other believers? If not, you are limiting your own spiritual growth and being robbed of blessing.”
I’m sure all those attending Church today will have been truly blessed - I know I was.
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