Marie's Number Two

And today is Marie's second most favourite thing and that is food. Like any lab she had the appetite of an ox and could have eaten for Scotland. She would have eaten most things but her real favourites were either her mum's slow roasted brisket or spaghetti bolognese mixed in with her own biscuit. She would return to the bowl at least three times just to check she had left nothing behind.

However saying that she was rather partial to raw carrots, turnip and occasionally the odd courgette so she did eat her vegetables. She was famous on the local park when walking with all her mates of eating some quite nasty looking things people had discarded and if we saw it first we tried to get to it before she did but she had a remarkable turn of speed when there was something edible to be had.

Again this was another one of the things that was Marie and made her what she was. Independent, caring, thoughtful, loving and extremely intelligent but most of all a huge part of our family.

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