Today, on this first day of March, I’m reminded that change comes not in dramatic gestures but in quiet persistence, in the gradual warming of earth, in the patient unfurling of new life, so it’s no surprise I needed to turn to nature today after the disgraceful and embarrassing attack on a true leader by a bully.
I can’t bring myself to say more..
We went out to National Trust property and a couple of nurseries as it was such a spring like day .
I was somewhat dismayed at the higher prices of everything!
Why am I not surprised, but for so many people, including me, gardening helps with mental health. I know I don’t need to actually “spend” but seeds, compost , even in small quantities are needed , for the health of the garden!!
So that’s something else that many people will have to think twice about.
There were a few people discussing this as we walked around the nursery.
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