Keith B

By keibr

Lurgy, lurgi, lurgee, and The Goon Show

Yesterday I was feeling a bit out of sorts. It wasn't much and Jan had been feeling something similar for a few days without it developing, so I assumed I'd soon be back to normal.
However, this morning I awoke feeling bad - the lurgy has struck. I sat outside in the sun, well wrapped up, by the bird feeders, feeling I should definitely take it easy. Much to my surprise I fell asleep to the lullaby of whirring wings. After the sun moved on I went inside and was soon asleep on the sofa.  And so the day went on.
It's just a typical lurgy, horrible while it's here but hopefully soon defeated.
Incidentally, I looked up the word "lurgy" and see it was first used in 1769, but it only became more widely used after Spike Milligan and Eric Sykes wrote a 1954 episode of The Goon Show about an outbreak of a previously unknown disease, "Lurgi Strikes Britain". 
(Americans apparently have something similar called "the cooties".)

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