Keith B

By keibr

Film Review!

This blip turned into a film review. If you aren't interested in my views of the film "Conclave" just look at the picture and jump to the final two lines in this text! Okay, here goes...
In town again, to see another film - 2 films in 2 days! This time it was Conclave at our local cinema. I thought it a wonderful film in many ways. The acting was excellent, and the photography outstanding. The use of focus and depth of field were unusual for a film. My companions tell me the music was impressive but for me it was so integral to the film that I only occasionally noticed it. There were some beautiful set pieces, such as the white umbrellas crossing a square towards the end of the film. We'd been tipped off to listen carefully to the homily given at the start of the election process. It was indeed very relevant, both to the film and to the world situation just now. As we drove home we talked about how this is definitely a film to watch a second time!
The spring-winter continues with cold nights and warm days- looking across the Northern Sound I thought these refrozen ice-floes rather beautiful.

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