Its the Way It Is

By Jeano


In Irish: Creamh (pronounced crave)
French: Ail (pronounced eye)
German: Knoblauch (ke no Blau)
Spanish: Ajo
Italian: Aglio
Dutch: Knoflook
Swedish: vitlök
Finnish: valkosipuli
Norwegian: hvitløk
Czech: česnek
Estonian: küüslauk
Ukrainian: часник
Russian: чеснок
Danish: hvidløg
Maltese: tewn
Japanese. ニンニク
Mandarin. 蒜
Turkish. sarımsak
Rumanian. usturoi
Slovenian. česen
Montenegro. češnjak
Tibetan. སྒོག
Hungarian. fokhagyma
Portuguese. alho
Gambian. ATA Ile (Yoruba)
Philippine. Bawang
Native American Indian: Zhigaagominzh

Despite the wonderful variety of translations, it tastes the same no matter where you go. (A bit like people, I guess).

My preference is for the wild variety which is free to whoever (should that be whomever!) can find it.

This variety is called Spring Violet which is rather a nice name and it’s Spanish

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