
By Groggster

Why Does It Always Rain On Me?

Another day of gruesome weather but this time with added all day rain. So for today's image I just went for a precipitation based abstract shot through my car window in the pouring rain with a neighbour's porch light across the road adding an amorphous golden glow - although I think it also looks like a strangely illuminated golf club!
I could have chosen a number of rain based song titles for my blip (disappointingly there weren't any I could find about illuminated golf clubs) - Rain On Me, Only Happens When It's Raining, Here Comes The Rain Again, I Wish It Would Rain, Laughter In The Rain, Rainy Days and Mondays, Rain Rain Go Away, Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head....but I went for a song title by the Scottish band Travis because I was feeling particularly sorry for myself as I was taking this shot! :-)

If you fancy a bit of a singalong I've tagged the track below - but be warned the video is quite odd!

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