Sunny again

22.0C sunny, some cloud, and a mere zephyr.

Maeve the Deerhound and I waited until after lunch to go for our walk. We were surprised how warm it had become.

The potato field is being sprayed with water again, but unlike last evening when Apothecary7, Maeve, and I had to change route to avoid the huge jet of water shooting over the path we were able to go down the bridle path. The spray was still carrying through the air but we just felt a few tiny drops.

At the bottom of the bridle path we saw a man pointing the wall that runs along the whole length of the bottom of the field where it meets the road. We exchanged greetings. As we walked along the cycle path I looked over and saw that he had remade the wall where a car accident had happened a while ago. We carried on through the little fields and over the railway line and down to the beach.

The tide was in and there was only a strip of dry sand to walk along. At the Fishermen's huts the owner of 'Shamara II' was working on the outboard. Progress I hope.

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