Four Breton Ladies

Gallic disorganisation struck on today's cycle ride when the proscribed route had a 'Route Debarre ' on it and although we managed to get the bikes past the huge lorries digging up the road, the coloured arrows stuck on the side of the road telling us which way to go were absent, and from then on until we got ourselves by the main road signposts to St Etienne- de -Montluc we were simply following the herd.

Thankfully we picked the arrows up again and found our way to the 'accueil'at Vigneux where these lovely ladies dressed in Breton costume were mixing with the cyclists and seemed very happy to have their photos taken- well three of them were at least.

Although it was a shorter distance of 40 miles for us today, in many ways it seemed harder with more hills, more people, and hotter, so we were very glad to get off our bikes at the end and have that lovely cold ice cream.

But it doesn't take long to recover, and we are entertaining our London friends to drinks at our hotel tonight.

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