
By Grammy

That’s More Like It

We sure didn’t get much sleep last night. Hubby was my official timer to ensure I swallowed those poison pills on time. The second batch started at midnight. We decided just to rest on the recliners. Six o’clock arrived all too soon. We got to my appointment early. I was the first patient of the day. The best part of the whole experience was the heated blanket I got soon after going back. Otherwise, it was painless and quick. Results were great. But my doc thinks I might have to go through this one more time. My response, “But you promised…”. He said he’d think about it in five years. Hubby took me to breakfast. These pancakes sure were better than jello and popsicles. And we took home enough for at least one more meal each. We picked up meds and ran by the Commissary. I’m making a meatloaf dinner for a friend who has leukemia. He was in remission but it has returned. His doctors are in Baltimore. His wife is as worn out as he is with all that travel. Our prayer group is pitching in to help them. We came home, put food away and hit the recliners. A nap is imminent. We have leftovers for dinner so we’ll have a restful evening. Wishing you the same. Have a wonderful weekend. Stay safe. Thanks for stopping by. “It was like the way you wanted sunshine on Saturdays, or pancakes for breakfast. They just made you feel good.” ~ Sarah Addison Allen

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