
By carliewired

80 F/ 27 C

Seven planets now
align --set your intentions,
manifest success! 


I woke around 4 AM and could not go back to sleep. I snacked and noodled on my laptop until it was time to head off to ARTrails for 10 AM.

Across the street my neighbour's yard sale started up before 8 with the rattles and bangs and car doors slamming and locks beeping. I had to be cautious backing out onto the street. 

My only stop today was Studio #2 where my plein air buddies are set up. We've been given a cloudy day so perhaps they will be able to stay cool for this busy day. 

I came home with a pastel painting, a fused glass heart and two beaded bracelets. As I have stated before, the talent in this group is astounding. 

Members create a 4 inch by 4 inch canvas to be sold to benefit our scholarship fund. One whole table featured those art pieces left from our show last month. Each is a perfect little masterpiece. 

I tossed some laundry into my washer and now I need to try to reclaim the sleep I've missed. 

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