More compost bins under construction
Tony rang yesterday and arranged to come today to fit the new controller on the heat pump - he just did a jury-rigged work around back in January, which has been perfectly fine.
W decided to move the car out of the garage to give Tony room to work, and having done that, was inspired to make progress in clearing the garage.
Back in Norfolk, he built compost bins from used pallets. When we moved here, we had difficulty sourcing any pallets for a sensible price - it worked out cheaper to buy the wood than to buy pallets. The wood has been stored in the garage awaiting a convenient time for construction. Since then, we have acquired a few pallets, some of which have been used in making the compost bin featured a couple of days ago. This item under construction will be the back wall of three more compost bins. Our composting area will be wondrous to behold and the object of much "compost bin envy" once he's finished!
The final result of W's day was a garage clear enough to accommodate both cars (see extra), though there is still work to be done to clear space for the lawnmowers without blocking the cars.
And after that, he made roast veggies for dinner.
I, on the other hand, apart from a session on the exercise bike, seemed to achieve very little.
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