Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Little things

I was out in the yard this morning at 10am in shorts and a tank top cleaning leaves out of another flower bed. Only one more to go.

So some of the things I saw are new but some are things I photographed earlier. The camellia is still bearing flowers but not so many now. The dianthus in the wagon is coming back out from last year in spite of below freezing weather. A few shoots on the clematis (yeah!!!). A tiny bud on the red honeysuckle that I dug out of a ditch by the road a few years ago. An iris bud and the daffodils are booming.

I really don’t want hot weather but I can’t complain about spring.

Thanks for all the love on the sunset photo yesterday. I know Blippers everywhere find beauty right outside their door!

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