
By pandieb


A random day off today that I had lots of plans for. The first distraction was No.2 Not Child turning up at 0830 (unheard of) for some advice on something she needed to get done before driving up to Manchester, via Nottingham, for a trampoline competition. Which she's taking part in with a broken finger from a netball game earlier In the week. Apparently it's ok as she has no routines that involve her hands! Oh to be 24 and invincible again.

Next on my list wasn't washing my road shoes but the forecast for next weekend is wet so I want shoes I won't slide all over the place in and there's no way they could have gone in my bag as they were. I chucked them in a bucket of water for a bit before leaving them in the sun (yes, real sun) to dry off.

After getting my hair cut (which WAS on the list) including having a rather funny conversation with my hairdresser about period pants, buying bread, collecting some €€€ and hanging the washing on the line for the first time this year (whoop whoop) I filled the garden waste bin up with trimmings and prunings before stopping to have a  -very late - lunch. At which point these two launched themselves at me (see extra)

I haven't made it to the other things and it doesn't look as though I will 

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