Meet Honey
This spoodle is a small dog on the outside, but a giant of a dog on the inside. We are good friends and she helps me garden at G's each week.
She and Bean are besties, but don't often get the opportunity to play because Honey's 'sister' is a huntaway called Tee who guards her property fiercely from incomers.
Bean has to stay in the car when I garden there. But Honey jumps onto the back seat when I get out my gardening gear, to share some kisses.
I wrote a week or so ago about tuning into the news only occasionally to avoid taking the horrors of the world to heart as much as I have done. It is working from that point of view, but I have still been wondering why I feel a desire to know what is going on, even when I know it upsets me.
I listened to a podcast from Nate Hagens this morning and had a bit of a lightbulb moment relating to the context of my frustrations with the world’s woes and my feelings of helplessness.
I am partly responsible for the future. We are all setting the foundations of the world to come. No matter how tiny my influence is, it is a responsibility which I take seriously.
And it is why I am dedicated to this lifestyle.
For I am dedicated to it. It is my life's work.
I seek to influence the future by living the change I want to see, at the same time as remaining a conscious part of the present.
In order to influence the future positively and as much as my small part allows, I shall bear witness to the decisions and actions which are apparently beyond my control. In that way I will respond appropriately where and when I can.
I may not be able to stop what’s happening today, but it is possible that my actions may help to change future decisions by different actors and players. I’ll take that slim possibility as motivation to keep moving along the path I have chosen.
It will probably be after I’m dead before it is clear whether or not my actions make a difference, and that makes enjoying life all the more important.
I’m in it for today and for all the tomorrows…
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