My Day in Colors
I was in no rush to get up. We had no big plans for the day. I had that luscious pineapple jello and coffee for breakfast. Had some lime jello, a popcicle and small Gatorade later in the day. At least my meals were happy colors. I keep saying, “this time tomorrow, it will be over.” Hubby vacuumed and I dusted all the furniture. I did the typical daily chores. Kim asked us to pick up Brooklyn. Hubby went to school to get her. His car battery died while he waited for the bus. Being always prepared for any situation, he pulled out his portable battery charger and he was back on the road. This time, he decided to purchase a new battery and now he’s back in business without worrying it might not charge. We have no plans until the big prep starts at 6:00. Get to take those 12 horse pills and then do it again at midnight. Oh joy! So happy this is the final one. I am such a sissy. Wishing you a peaceful evening. Stay safe. Thanks for dropping by. “l am a believer that color affects people's moods.” Lilly Pulitzer
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