
By GracieG

Just the weather for…

…sewing. We did get some sunshine in the end but we also had some rain and gloomy skies.

Anyone who owns a cat will know that a great many throws, blankets and covers of various sorts are needed to keep one’s furniture protected from cat fur.

We’ve just purchased a new footstool for our lounge, a favourite spot for Ziggy to sleep. We looked at wool throws to cover it with for everyday use but many were too large and some were dry clean only, so not very practical. We found a set of curtains that were just the right size and colour in our DIY store, so today I’ve been altering them to turn them into covers…as you can see.

Our footstool looks very smart now and all ready for Ziggy’s springtime fur moult. The best thing is that they are washable.

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