Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Thankfully it was beautifully sunny today, blue skies with white clouds. A difference from the rain yesterday. 

I had a dentist appointment in the morning, my regular visit to the hygienist and this time the dentist came in to check my teeth. Seems I need a small amount of bonding on the top of my one tooth where it meets the gum, to prevent further erosion of the enamel. I will go back for that next week. The hygienist does an excellent job and my teeth felt sparkling clean when I came out of there, but goodness me it is so expensive. We don't have any NHS dentists around here - well we do but their lists have been full and closed for years now, so you either go to a private dentist and pay up - or you don't go, which is probably why so many British people have poor teeth. I feel it is excessively expensive but what can you do?

After the dentist Xena enjoyed her sunny walk, although the woods are horribly muddy after the rain yesterday. Luckily she avoids the mud so came home clean.

I spent some time finding and booking a hotel in Cambridge for the weekend in April when Adam is coming back for his graduation. It will be a quadruple celebration at dinner that night in Cambridge, Adam's Phd graduation, Anna's Masters graduation, Luke's birthday and a delayed Mother's Day celebration. Plenty to celebrate and be grateful for.

Poor Gavin is very restless at night as he is finding it hard to find a comfortable sleeping position with an incision on his front and on his back, so I had a disturbed night too. Hopefully tonight will be better.

We have an extraordinary meeting tonight for the camera club committee. We have the wonderful problem are too many entries into our competitions, a judge can comfortably cope with about 60 images and lately we have had up to 97 images in one competition so while it is great that we have so many active members, we have to come up with a solution of how the judge can cope with the situation. Luckily it's on zoom so I can quickly eat dinner before the meeting starts.

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