Going Bust, Fremlin Walk, Maidstone

Had to pop into town early with my brother as he had to put his car in for its annual service. This did give us the chance to have a Spoons breakfast and a very early pint, so silver linings and all that! We were hoping for sunny weather so we could get a photograph or two while we were there but it was grey and cold so we decided on a quick walk through Fremlin Walk shopping centre instead which is where I took today's image. Maidstone, like many other towns, is suffering from the closure of shops (a big loss was the town centre Marks & Sparks a few months ago) and this particular shop looked as if had closed more recently as the mannequins were still in residence. I particularly liked the two near the back who looked as if they were deep in conversation. I had to take the picture quite quickly as the security guards seem to take against people with cameras yet ignore phone users taking photos.
We seem to have bad luck weather wise at the moment. On a good number of occasions we go somewhere when it is overcast and cold and yet by the time we get home the sun has come out just like it has today - typical!

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