Abandon Ship
The weather today started off as forecast with lots of rain . So this morning we got on with housework stuff cleaning the bathroom and other rooms and putting bin rubbish out and hoovering but the most important job was fresh litter or Minstrel .
After lunch the rain had stopped and the sun was out so we went to the other side of the city and parked the car up and went for a walk along the Foss Dyke canal . We spotted this boat that has seen better days and looks like it has probably split along the base. While on the walk we noticed some very black clouds approaching so decided to turn around and head back to the car. We didn't quite make it back before the rain started to come down the only rewarding thing s an amazing stunning Double Rainbow
Back home to dry off and also enjoy a relaxed evening watching a stream of Man U v Ipswich at the moment 3-2 to Man U at the moment with 30 minutes to go
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