
By Kipsie

Sunshine & showers.

Apologies for not responding to the many comments that you leave. I do read them all, so thank you. Just not enough hours in a day.
Did my ironing before heading down to CK this morning. Had to phone the  OT dept at Torbay hospital at 8.30 to make an apt for hubby, a referral from his GP. First available face to face apt mid April. On-line consultation 18th March, so I decided on the earlier apt. He won't be happy. Could'nt get any cash out of the machine in the town, so had to wait for the post office to open at 9am to get the wages for Mum's cleaner who comes this morning. Posted a condolences card to Jeanette, her 104 year old Mum passed away last Friday. A great age but she was getting very weak & frail.
Mum & Idie were waiting for me to arrive, well it was me that turned up, & as I make their breakfast I think they were pleased to see me. Once Mum had shared her buttered & marmalade topped toast with Indie we headed out for our explore across the heath. Wonderful birdsong, blue skies, & sparkles everywhere. Extremely wet underfoot, we were out for an hour and a bit ending down by the river which was in full spate after the heavy overnight rain. At least 10 Mandarin ducks, mainly drakes, were pestering a couple of females in some of the river overflow flooding the fields below the old railway track. Spotted the first violets growing  on the grass verge this morning & the vibrant yellow pollen looked fab on the pussy willow. Saw the first Red Admiral in Mum's garden 2 days ago. Spring is in the air. We arrived back just in time, avoiding a heavy shower.  Coffee & a biscuit, Mum read, & reread the same article to me from the newspaper. Mel cleaned, I found the jigsaw puzzle that went missing a couple of days back, folded the laundry & popped that away then it was time to make lunch for Mum.  I stay with her now until she's eating her pud as she was giving the dog some of her meal on the plate, today she was offering her liver on her fork. Phew!! I know. :-) The care company rang for a chat while I was at Mum's so arranged to speak to them this afternoon. Got home to Chudleigh, hubby laying on the bed, not feeling well. Someone had been to assess his mobility etc. Spent over an hour with him apparently.
I made a quick lunch then spent an hour on the phone with the care company chatting about Mum, her care plan, carers job list etc. I need to speak to Rog about a TEP (Treatment Escalation Plan) for Mum which Mum's GP issues. I popped into the doctors surgery this afternoon when I dropped hubby off to the pub. ( He made a miraculous recovery this afternoon), spoke to reception. I need to phone at 8.30 tomorrow morning to make an appointment to speak to a GP. Why on earth could'nt I make the apt there & then. Honestly!! It is so frustrating.
Came home, opened a cider, prepped a hearty chicken & vegetable soup for dinner then watched The Chase, followed by ROHofG's. Whizzing up the town at 5.45 to pick husband up from the pub.

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