Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Spring Cleaning

Or perhaps more accurately, spring nesting.  Jax were out on the deck enjoying the sunshine when he suddenly went into full-hackle, staring up at one of the trees in our woods.  I eventually saw what he'd seen which was a squirrel tearing bark off a dead tree and then trying to get it all into a mouth-sized bundle.  Quite a production, and accompanied by a full frenzy of barking (Jax, not me).  This is the time of spring chipmunks and squirrels mate so this is likely a female looking to fix up a nest. 

I got a several things off my "to-do" list this morning including ordering new glasses and getting a watch battery replaced.  I know, neither big tasks but both things I've been procrastinating.  It's a gorgeous sunny day which made it all very enjoyable to be out and about.  Our temps today are in the high 40's/low 50's which just feels wonderful.  Hoping that the sub-freezing days are done for the year...

The chickadees and titmice have started their spring "songs".  They aren't really songs so much as distinctive calls that signal the coming of spring.  The titmice make a loud call that sounds like "Cheer!  Cheer!" while the 'dees have a two-not call that sounds to me like Fee Bee.  And I am pretty sure I heard bluebirds somewhere in the yard this morning.  I am kind of hoping it isn't the same pair as we had last summer as that male was really aggressive which made nest box checks kind of unsettling.  On more than one occasion, he made contact with the top of my head - no harm, but a little startling.  

I just got two jars of dark chocolate sea salt tahini from Amazon - the stuff is decadent!  


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