Tuba player
We had a bright sunny day. I enjoyed a Zumba class in the morning and then was off to the book club in the afternoon. We were discussing the Life of Charlotte Bronte by Elisabeth Gaskell. I hadn't managed to finish the book as it was a fairly difficult read but nevertheless it was fascinating. She and her siblings had such a difficult life and reading extracts from her letters showed her personality and skills well. It was written a couple of years after her death and more recent reviews give slightly different sides to her life. Interesting especially if you are familiar with the novels written by her and her sisters.
In the evening I was out with a couple of colleagues from the camera club. We hold our meetings in a local Salvation Army Hall now and they had asked if we could provide some photographs of the various activities and facilities they provide. We were visiting the Brass Band rehearsal this evening. Not the type of photography I have done before but fun nevertheless. The two others are very good so we should have suitable images between us.
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