A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

MMC2025 :: Day 26 :: Band of Brothers

Mono Month Challenge 2025

My main Blip was a snap taken as we left a burger joint this evening. These lads are either a new Boy Band or part of the Gypsy Fair that has started to descend on Nelson. 


Earlier today we visited the local Founders Heritage Park. It is full of old buildings and old time transport, trades etc. Instead of showing the usual fire engine or tractor I thought I'd show some of the stained glass windows dotted about. It's the first time we have visited. 

The other collage is a trial at this weeks 52Frame theme, 'Unfinished'. The extra challenge is to do it in the style of a given artists. I was given David Hockney who used multi photos to build up a whole. I spotted this old Buick for sale and took multi images which together nearly give the whole but not quite, hence unfinished. I may work on this one... 

Another hot day. Clouds came over in the afternoon but didn't things much. 

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