Tiny Tool
Rummaging around in the garage, I found this tiny screwdriver set. That's the screwdriver in the middle. The whole thing, including all the extra heads is less than two inches in diameter. Quite clever and also quite forgotten in the back of a drawer. I could have used to take the back off my computer when it was overheating, but I found a much easier way. I reset my SMC by pressing a few buttons simultaneously and waiting for it to reboot. Thank you Google...you made it sound like a last resort so I was a little reluctant to try, but I didn't want the thing to burst into flame or meltdown in my lap.
Our recovery drags on. It seems to be a two steps forward, one step back sort of process. I suspect John has a sinus infection. He's broken his nose a few two many times for it to serve as a normally functioning organ anymore. He has an appointment with the doctor tomorrow. Neither one of us has much energy, but My sense of taste is coming back, so that's a good sign.
The sun has reappeared today and we took ourselves back. to the field with Spike this morning. He gets a good workout with fairly minimal expenditure of energy on our part. And we get a bit of an outing. There are lots of signs of spring which is cheering. Some of the trees are just starting to leaf out and the plum trees, always the first, are in full bloom.
The little mustard colored wildflowers that tend to carpet the ground are beginning to appear and the birds are becoming quite eloquent! There is green grass everywhere and the sound of mowers and weed whackers is becoming a backdrop to life here on Wildwood Trail. I prefer it to the leaf blowers of autumn and the chain saws of winter.
Hoping tomorrow is a two steps forward kind of day.
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