A Change of Venue

It has been a day of accomplishments: I'm enumerating them for my own record as well as anybody else who may be anticipating this process for themselves in future. Please don't feel you have to read any of it if you don't want to.

Since the bolus was empty by this morning, I removed the catheter and am no longer tethered to the fanny pack. The hardest thing about removing it was getting the tape off, and it was completely painless.  It was a relief not to have to avoid getting tangled in the tubing or dropping the bag and pulling it out.

I can walk without the walker but since the narcotics make me feel dizzy I don't trust myself without it. 

I understand why people don't like the way they make them feel, although in my book, dizziness is a lot better than pain. With that in mind, I cut back by half on the OxyCodone. 

Had a serious conversation about making assumptions and having trust. Both were true, but working at cross purposes at one point. It's tough to be a caregiver and also tough to feel totally dependent. 

I'm as determined as ever to take things one day (if not one hour) at a time, but things are headed in the right direction. 

End of details. You are a wonderful group of cheerleaders and your support has meant a lot. I hope to return the favor for anybody who needs it. My email address is in my profile. Total knee replacements seem to be the going thing these days....

It was still nice to see the sun through the windows today, but I think the weather is changing. Clouds are beginning to  peek over the horizon, it is much cooler today, judging by the fact that John had a flannel shirt over his t-shirt today and the wind is picking up. 

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