Now we have everything

By Gembop

Day 5: Power Nap

Another tent shot, I know, but he just looks so cute in there! I glimpse in and he's asleep, the next minute he's rolled over and chewing on a toy. He's definitely one chilled baby!

We braved a walk in the heat for a late lunch today and had the most amazing 4 cheese pizza. I missed blue cheese when pregnant so can't get enough of it now. We also had our first beer of the holiday, served in a proper pitcher straight from the freezer. To use a friend's expression it was 'lush'! Why does beer always taste better in the heat/on holiday?

It was a bit of day of drinking today. Shocking! We did our usual walk after dinner and Charlie conked out in his pushchair so we made the most. We sat in the indoor/outdoor lounge area of our hotel listening to a BeeGee's tribute act (lol). Rob had another beer and I had an amazing Mojito. Yum.

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