Growing well beside the path
As I noted yesterday, I reported my involvement in CPD for 2024 Monday morning. So imagine the consternation to find an email saying that there was a problem with the programme on Sunday. Not trusting that it had been working when I submitted my activities, with some trepidation I logged in and opened my 2024 record. It was all there with a green tick for each requirement. I fully expect that I will be audited, so I'm keeping the supporting data safe.
No garden work today. A little shopping, and then I made dinner as S was having a ZOOM meeting with one of the two poetry groups to which she belongs. She has just finished as I'm writing this.
In the same way that Donald Trump lies without trying to hide it, David Seymour here in Aotearoa/ New Zealand makes no attempt to hide his lies and actually lies more. Being the recipient of just 8% of the Party vote, he acts as if he won the election. Prime Minister Luxon has let Seymour do almost everything he wants to. The Government has pushed through legislation allowing, even encouraging, foreign corporations to gain ownership of our land and resources. We are not as badly off as are the majority of US citizens. However, the policies being pursued will worsen the plight of the worst off in our country.
Perhaps we can look after our children in the way that the bush has nurtured the Ponga in my blip.That is worthy of effort, and we cannot depend on the Government as they have overseen a statistically insignificant but humanly significant increase in the number of children living in poverty.
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