Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Caerketton Craigs and the T-Wood

A stormy day, but not a named storm. Raining quite heavily initially. I changed bedding then went for a wee daunder around the park as the rain had stopped for a wee bit. Thinner trees in the park were swaying quite dramatically in the strong breeze. At the far end of the park, a plane flies quite low over my head, presumably during an attempt to land at the airport. Park is very quiet with the exception of a couple of dog walkers. 

Heavy rain after coffee, which continues until just after lunch. A quick examination of the rain radar shows we are in a brief dry spell. So we agree on a quick walk to Swanston. Not many tourists or golfers out today. The point where I got my photo of Caerketton Hill is sheltered from the stiff breeze. We wander around to see the Highland Cows, then we walk home. We don't walk for long, when a short burst of rain passes in front of us, we only catch the edge of it. Get home dry. But we notice a small tree in the communal area has blown down. Not quite blocking the pavement, and not presenting a hazard, we head home just as the heavy rain restarts. We have coffee and relax for a bit. 

Just before 5, the clouds clear and the sun comes out. So I decide to get the electric saw and, with the help of some neighbours, we set about dismantling the tree. After 45 minutes walk, the pavement is clear again, and our garden waste bins are full. Very satisfying.

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