A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Number two!

Another bright day but with a sneaky wind. A coffee sat in the sun in the window of Costa warmed me up nicely though when we’d finished the shopping. 

Another good Monday morning sing where I did better than anticipated as I had a poor night with a tickly throat and sniffy nose.

Saw that the second bud on no 1 Amaryllis had opened with the warmth of the sun whilst we were out and I liked the sun filtering through the petals of the first flower so made this my blip for today. Just a week on from the first flower starting to open. 
You can see the two other buds on this stem too. The flowers are so heavy I’m a bit worried the whole thing might topple over. The second shoot from the bottom is coming out the other way so I hope that might counter balance it a bit.

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