Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Dark chocolate

We had a wonderful Indian dinner at our friends' house last night, it was delicious food! Gavin coped fine and I have been doing the driving all weekend so it was not strenuous for him - some surgeons recommend no driving for 2 weeks after surgery, Gavin's surgeon said he can drive when he feels up to it.

This morning we walked Xena in the woods, a gentle walk without Gavin exerting himself. We just had time to wash all the mud off Xena before we had to leave to go to other friends who live in Chichester for lunch. They have a beautiful traditional town house there and we had a very enjoyable lunch, with four out of the six people present all friends of mine from university. It was raining and getting dark driving home so I did not enjoy that, but I coped okay.

It has been a very social weekend - I also had lovely conversations with all three boys this weekend and with Anna. Anna arrived back from San Diego today - her interviews for PhD programs went well but some of the programs are not offering them this year due to cuts in funding, and there are even fewer positions being offered this year than normal. She just has to hope and wait to hear.

No photos were taken today when I was out and about, so this is an emergency blip of some dark chocolate that I bought in the Scottish Highlands last week. I tried it and it is delicious - at £6 a bar I would expect it to be!

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