This is my very lovely friend Maureen. We have known each other since 2009 when I first attended the Haltwhistle Walking Festival and then joined the Haltwhistle walkers.
Maureen and I worked very closely together on the committee for the festival. When I became the chair, it was Maureen who made sure I did everything I needed to.
During Covid she had a large sub arachnoid haemorrhage. She made a fair recovery but she then developed Parkinson’s disease.
It has affected her mobility and now her speech is almost unintelligible. When I went to visit today, she was glad because I could set up an amplification system for her. Another friend and fellow walker, Caroline, arrived as I did. We both brought daffodils!
I hate the way that Parkinson’s affects people, especially the way it produces a mask like face. Maureen was always warm and bubbly, probably one of the most gregarious people I know. Now her face belies how she feels.
Tomorrow I am going to find out how we can amplify her voice for using the phone. That would make her life so much better. It must be possible. Sadly the Parkinson’s nurse visits infrequently because of her large workload. I will have to do some research.
Otherwise, I did a quick food shop and I’ve been at home. I’ve been trying to process some Nambia images, but took ages and did not like the results!
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