
By blipperdude

Stour Valley and the G&D

It was a lovely Sunday morning—there was even a bit of blue sky visible first thing, which seemed to bode well—and it was time for another outing with the Steely-Eyed Ninja Speed Walkers. We met in the car park of The George & Dragon pub in Fordwich and walked a 6.5k circular route along the Stour Valley Way towards Canterbury, then back via footpaths through woodland and fields. By the time we got back to the pub, we were famished, and looking forward to a lovely pub lunch and a pint. Fortunately, these things were abundant, and we all gathered around a long table in the pub garden for a feast.

Thanks to Kirsty, Emily, Anna, Charlotte, Nikki, Paul, Simon, Dawn, Tamara, Billy and Jess for joining us on the walk today!

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