Everyday Life

By Julez

Finishing Touches

After the usual Sunday lie-in and lazy morning, we, along with Zeph, travelled over to Retford to catch up with Jeri and the family. Grace joined us too. 

I'd already decided that if Jeri was doing anything involving baking, and she was willing, she would be my Blip. 

She had been baking examples of the things that will go into the Mother's Day gift boxes she'll be selling, ready to photograph them. Everything was made when we got there, so I took some shots of the cakes, cookies, etc. being decorated. 

The icing bags were causing all kinds of drama as they kept splitting! There are several in the bin, and at times the air was blue, but she got there in the end!

She chose this shot for me to Blip. Soon we will get to test the products. The cookies are vegan so Grace won't miss out.

We watched Liverpool beat Manchester City. I'd rather Liverpool be champions than City..   It could be a long time before Manchester United are in with a shot of the title again..

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