This is Brian.

Brian gets up for work at 6AM each day. He is always tired and falls asleep as soon as he sits down of an evening. I can't imagine why...*

Today I was up just half an hour after him as I too had to get ready for work. I start later than him but it takes me longer to get ready, and I walk whereas he drives.

We were busy in spells today and I left a little later than usual due to one of the busy times being as I was due to leave. Again I got a butty to eat in the car before going home.

Today has been very cold again. I walked to Tesco to pick up a couple of things including milk, and felt freezing, made worse because I'd not worn my gloves today. I'd also left my earbuds at home so it would have been a chilly and boring walk. Not only that, I was worried that the milk would get shaken up and go off on the walk back, so I asked Brian to run me home in the car!

I still had to go out again to get to 10000 steps but at least I had gloves and music!

*The photo was taken just before 1AM! Brian is playing online pool!

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