First Iris
We had two tubs of these mainly from little pots I bought in Marks and Spencer’s a few years ago. They flowered really well.
We do have them in the garden too but they are usually later flowering.
When I asked Chris where they were in anticipation of them flowering he said he didn’t know as he had emptied all the pots! So when I saw them for sale at Fountains Abbey I indulged in buying some. The label says they are ‘DJ Djit’ which when I looked them up shows a purple flower. There is a second bud opening which looks like it will be purple but this one certainly isn’t! I don’t mind that. They are in a planting trough to put on the kitchen window ledge but we are waiting for the winds to die down!
I will certainly be blipping a purple one when it’s out and maybe them all in situ if that ever happens.
I took these before walking up to church as it was only just starting to rain but it’s raining steadily now. Yesterday’s sunny spring weather didn't last long!
Thank you for the love for the Miffy outfits in yesterday’s extra. To my amazement they got the parcel yesterday ( posted late Fri afternoon) think everyone was happy, now for the sweater!
Great rugby yesterday afternoon more today without the stress as it’s France - Italy.
So sad we have lost two wonderful blippers in the space of a week. Picture Poems last week who we just missed in Madeira last November and Nanna K today. I was blessed with meeting Nanna K and Herb some years ago when they were in the UK. She lived Hockney abd the Brontes so this was a good place for her to visit. Both wonderfully creative people in their own very different ways. A sad loss to blip.
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