Blush response

By Esper

Fresh Air And Exercise

On This Day In History
1954: Children receive the first polio vaccination

Quote Of The Day
"Childhood vaccines are one of the great triumphs of modern medicine. Indeed, parents whose children are vaccinated no longer have to worry about their child's death or disability from whooping cough, polio, diptheria, hepititis, or a host of other infections."
(Ezekiel Emanuel)

Oxygene Part 2

After watching probably the scariest episode of Paranormal Nightmare ever*, A and I played Scrabble and I put down the following words - INVOKE MEAN DEMON PRIVY. I am now too afraid to go into the toilet!

* If you've never watched Paranormal Nightmare before, I highly recommend it. The Fourman brothers are amazing; help them get to one million subscribers, please!

PS - I let A have WUB because Philip K. Dick wrote a short story called Beyond Lies The Wub. Therefore, a wub is a thing, and not a proper noun. A thing doesn't have to be real to be acceptable as a Scrabble word, does it? I mean, Jedi would be acceptable, I think, even though it does not exist. Or am I wrong?

PPS - Just realised I wrote that the demon is HATED. Maybe I ought to pick a fight with someone my own size.

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