michigan man

By outdoorguy

Saturday Night Set

An 8 a.m. start to the day with a garage sale list that only had 5 stops on it. 6 of us in 2 cars.

The sales were so-so. I bought a couple of things to paint on, but that was it.

After the sales, 4 of us went to Costco, both for lunch and to shop. I bought a nice outdoorsy dress shirt from Orvis for $4.97. WOO-HOO!

After shopping, I took a short nap and then did some artwork. I bought some acrylic fabric paint and am planning to paint a couple of canvas-like shirts. 

The 'set was the best of the week, and I'm sad to say that I gave up on it 5 minutes earlier. Lisa stuck her head out the front door and said..."This might be a good one Tim."

A lesson that I should have already known. Sometimes the best of the 'set takes place after the sun is long gone.

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