Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce

Weird feet

A lovely chilled day now I no longer have a market tomorrow. Seemed pointless trying to arrange an alternative/indoor pop up when it looks so vile people will likely (and understandably) stay cosied up at home.

As such, my only blip offering is my newly acquired tea towel which is the merch of choice for 'ladies of a certain age' these days, lol. 

You also get the 'bonus' of seeing my weird feet. I only discovered they weren't normal a couple of years ago after posting a picture on insta, never again! So many private messages asking me to sell pictures, hilarious! 

Its known as Morton's Toe, where the second toe is longer than the big toe. It's hereditary and about 20% of the population have it, give or take. Interestingly, the Greeks saw it as a sign of beauty back in the day and the Statue of Liberty has them. As my toes followed the shape of the fingers on my hand I was absolutely clueless that this wasn't what most people have at the end of their feet. 


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