What’s Not To Love?
I stayed in bed until almost 9:00 this morning. Mancil mentioned that when he was ill recently, he simply needed to rest. Maybe that will help get rid of this mess. I put away laundry and picked up around the house. Jamie and family are going to Lauren’s for Isla’s birthday dinner later. I wrapped our gift and hubby dropped it off. Lauren promised to send me a photo of Isla opening it. Those little animals are adorable. My younger sisters had a similar toy when they were small. It still sits in my mother’s living room where every child who visits is delighted with it. I have the Little People farm and train sets. My grands and River played with them for hours; so much healthier than video games. Since I am full of germs, I left the gift in plastic. It didn’t provide a great photo but it was the right thing to do. Hubby gathered our trash and recycling and went to the convenience center. My cousin called to say the cover for our camper has blown off. It was the last year we planned to use it; they just don’t last in the hot sun. Hubby went to my mother’s and got rid of it. He also picked up needed groceries. He heated us more stew first. I napped while he was out. He is attending 5:00 Mass. It would not be fair for me to spread the germs to others so I’m staying here. Hope to have a happier journal and definitely a better blip tomorrow. But this is how I spent my day; it’s accurate if not artistic. I did sit my the window off and on to try to capture birds but they were uncooperative. Maybe tomorrow. Wishing you a successful blip weekend. Stay safe. Thanks for your visit. “Sometimes the littlest things take up the most room in your heart.” -- Winnie the Pooh
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