Up the fell
Caution to the wind
(literally) and up the
fell with Ben today.
Weather hasn't quite known what it was doing today, either dark and ominous or clear and sunny. By the afternoon we were convinced enough that there was a dry patch and we decided to brave going up the fell, we haven't done it for a while as we've been avoiding steep walks with Ben since he's so unpredictable at the moment and it's been so slippy. He had a bit of a strop at the bottom of the hill and threw his stick about a bit but with some cookies to incentivise he made it to the part we designate 'the top' (just past the kind of copse of trees in the middle of this photo). By the time we were heading back down he'd reinvented the whole story to suggest he'd had a nice time :-/
Leo absolutely DID have a nice time, no questions asked, he chased rabbit scents and found potential burrows and paddled in streams and got himself sufficiently muddy to necessitate a bath when he got home :-)
Mr KCNQ2Haiku had already run 11 miles earlier in the day, so he was a bit more 'sore in the leg department' but you can't argue with the fresh air Up A Hill :-)
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