Cutie Pie
Leo snuggled up
with my scarf, good way to hide
from the wind and rain!
Mr KCNQ2Haiku alerted me to Leo looking comfy with my scarf! Bless. It's been very wet and windy here, we had a small walk but it was quite unpleasant so we retreated indoors for general pottering. Ben has been OK enough, he prefers to be a bit busier than this, so he's done quite well to keep a lid on things, he's just been alternating between the trampoline, his iPad and the xbox (with a certain amount of mithering for food in between).
I don't feel like I've done much, sent some emails, popped out for milk, fielded the mithering for food(!) and read a bit of my new book (yes I did finish the old one this week!) plus cooking/washing/jobs. Now we're going to play a game of monopoly before Ben's bath. Happy Friday all :-)
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