All change
After my few days with Ida I'm back in my original room. It was nice to be in company and fed, but I like my independence too.
I was woken by a phone call this morning, Carrie's brother Augustine was in Tirunelveli for the day(from Chennai) and would I like to meet up. We managed to arrange for the evening and had a quick catch up before I went out for my tea and he went back for his overnight train North again. Augustine is a gifted musician, his singing group Octet Cantabile is in high demand worldwide in christian music circles and he is also the conductor and chair of the Madras Musical Association which likewise has a highly regarded choir.
I spent lots of time doing washing today, it driles so quickly, but it will be nice not to have to handwash everything I wear when I get home again.
Went out to the Buhari Restaurant in Vannerpettai tonight and had chicken and sweetcorn soup - which included egg - chicken dishes almost always include egg here, followed by a very tasty butter chicken.
I'm hoping for an early night tonight and as that's about 4.30pm UK time, I may not catch up on journals tonight.
My blip is of the lights of an exhibition of robotic animals which we whizzed past on the way to the restaurant tonight. The other is something I've seen a lot here little plants being rooted in pretty glass dishes. This one is at Ida's.
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