Squirrel Blip Friday ...
... Fuzzy Fence sitter.
I had a much better night's sleep last night than Wednesday night. I'm not a go to bed early type (most nights it's 1am or later) but last night I was in bed by 12:30am. And my Fitbit sleep score was 79 ... which they label as Fair.
We had to be at the hospital this morning for a procedure that Richard was having. Nothing serious (pain management) but it required that I be the driver home. We were back home just in time for lunch.
After lunch I spent some wildlife therapy time in the greenhouse. Lots of birds and squirrels were Frolicking about ... including Willy Wonky Ear on the Fence. In Extras is a beautiful male Northern Cardinal.
Later on after supper we went to DeSales University to watch a play. Tonight's play was "The Children's Hour" by Lillian Hellman. And it certainly wasn't a children's play. I wasn't sure if I would like it after reading the synopsis but it really drew me in ... the message was so powerful and quite sad. There's bullying, gossip, slander, lying and biases. Written some 90 years ago (1934) the theme could relate to any time period and shows just how far we have NOT come as a human society.
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