
By LadyFindhorn

The Yorkshire Grandsons Visit

It was a blustery walk over to Marchmont to have my ten little piggies cosseted and buffed by the chiropodist for a fee which I’m more than happy to pay. It’s always a very sociable visit the kind of personal interaction that many people have with their hairdresser but which I can say I have never really had. 
The balconists were absent as usual today and no mount of letters or face to face confrontations with the firms  representatives at this end of the M8 yield any results. The yellow pail provided by them under the leaking down pipe was full to the brim with rain water today making it hard to lift and empty into the drain on the patio.

After lunch the Yorkshire family, having spent the morning visiting the Royal Yacht  in Leith, arrived to spend time before they meet up with daughter #1 and Porty daughter for a Korean meal at a restaurant at Tollcross. The boys arrived ahead of the adults who had shopping to do and it was lovely to hear their chat uncensored by parents. I was kindly allowed an hour’s absence to attend my TGIF drinks.

I realised rather late in that I had no blip or record of their visit and so my blip is a hurried one before their departure.

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