
By LadyFindhorn

A Bunfull of Calories

Just because I blipped it doesn’t mean I ate it, but I do know somebody who has confessed to having had one for lunch. Yes, Robbie, it is you! It’s too late to deny it now lest I accuse you of telling an untruth.  Sweet tooth though I have, I would find it hard to swallow so many calories in so few creamy bites.
Having said that, I am looking forward to polishing off one of Söderberg’s marzipan tarts, bequeathed to me by the departed Selkie and  packing in just as many calories I imagine. I am obviously in no position to point a finger!

I have not learned my lesson that trying to walk anywhere north of the Dower House after 10am is likely to raise my BP to unacceptable levels. 
The sun shone and apart from a stiff westerly breeze it looked like a pleasant afternoon to walk to the Central Library and return a book. However, tourists sashaying about in the middle of the pavement wielding ice creams, children out of the nearby school at 3pm with parents, prams and dogs attached, professional beggars taking over the pavement, tourist buses blocking junctions and the never ending jostle of people taking photos of Greyfrar’s Bobby and rubbing his nose for luck and others taking photos of the fire damaged Elephant House where they mistakenly think the Harry Potter Books were writtten, all add up to a stressful outing.
I must remember to go south the next time.

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